Saturday, 25 October 2014

The Power of Kale: Juice to Victory!

Kale is having its moment. It has exploded in popularity recently; from the latest magazines filling column inches with its praise, to ‘fad’ diet plans dedicated to the stuff. It seems everyone is giving this vegetable a try. And why not? As part of the cabbage family, the list of benefits is endless. This green leafy vegetable is packed with iron, vitamins A, B, C and K, fibre, anti-oxidants and multiple minerals.

So, how’s best to eat this super food? Well, it seems the trend is to juice it, with celebrities everywhere being snapped with this healthy-looking green juice. But doesn’t it taste disgusting? Despite my best efforts, I’ve never been a big fan of vegetable juices, finding them fairly unpalatable when compared with the sweetness of a fruit juice.

Curiosity took over, and I set out to create a kale juice which tasted great and that I would enjoy drinking. After stocking up on a variety of fruit and vegetables (and plenty of kale), I was ready to give it a go. I spent the afternoon trying out various combinations, taking note of what tasted good together, and turning my kitchen into a bombsite in the process! I eventually honed it down to my two favourites, both of which contain plenty of fruit to help mask the taste of the kale. I used a blender to make mine, as I don’t have a juicer. It worked fine, but I used extra liquid in my recipes to ensure it reached the correct consistency. Don’t forget to drink it as soon as you can after making, since the ingredients will start to lose nutrients once blended.
Coconut and Pineapple Kale Juice

Blend together a bunch of kale with a cup of coconut water. It will look quite ‘bitty’ at this stage but don’t worry. Next add a 3 inch piece of cucumber, 1 stick of celery and 3 heaped tbsp. of fresh or tinned pineapple. Blend until smooth.
This juice is really refreshing, and the coconut water and pineapple keep it tasting lovely and sweet. I haven’t stopped drinking it since!

Kiwi and Ginger Kale Juice
This juice packs quite a punch with the tang of the kiwis and ginger! Perfect for the ‘morning after’, this juice rehydrates you and give you a shot of vitamins, whilst ginger helps to beat nausea. Ensure you use ripe kiwis to lessen the sharpness, and add the ginger a little at a time – increasing gradually to your taste.
Take a bunch of kale and 1 cored apple and blend with approx. 200-250ml water until smooth. Next add 2 ripe, peeled kiwis and blend again. Finally, add ½ thumbnail of ginger paste and blend to mix. A fantastic energiser in the morning!

Kale crisps are another trend that has appeared recently. With crisps being my weakness, I was keen to try making some of my own. And whilst you’re there, why not try making parsnip, carrot or beetroot crisps too? The perfect guilt-free snack, I guarantee they won’t last long!
Kale Crisps
Prepare the kale by washing the leaves, drying them thoroughly, then cutting out and discarding the thick stalks in the middle. Cut the leaves into bite sized pieces. Drizzle 1 tbsp. olive oil over the leaves and mix with your hands.

Lay the leaves out on a baking tray, ensuring they don’t overlap. This will take up a lot of space so you will need a few trays. Sprinkle with sea salt and cracked black pepper, then cook on a low heat (120⁰C) for 30 minutes. Leave to cool, before sprinkling with further sea salt and devouring!

Have a go at the recipes above or try out some of your own juices, and you will soon see what all the fuss is about with this super food. For me, it beats a can of coke and a packet of ready salted any day!

Look out for my next post soon!

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